Open Access BASE2016

Source base for the research of a scientific biography of a pedagogue and educator A. I. Georgievsky (1830–1911)


The article analyzes historical sources, which are important for the study of multivector directions of social, political and scientific activities of A. I. Georgievsky. Special attention is paid to the sources of private origin and to archival documents. Taking into account many years of journalistic and publicistic activity of A. I. Georgievsky, materials of central and regional periodicals are analyzed. Memoirs and epistolary heritage of prominent political and public figures, which contain valuable material covering life and work of A. I. Georgievsky, are researched. Presented sources reflect many years of A. I. Georgievsky's work, which greatly influenced the development of historical science and journalism, contributed to the modernization of the educational system in the Russian Empire. These sources are useful for the reproduction of A. I. Georgievsky's intellectual heritage and serve as the evidence of new trends in the development of sociocultural and socio-political space in Russia in the second half of the nineteenth century




Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine

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