Open Access BASE2017

Social Policy and Clientelism: The Creation of Perredismo in Mexico City: 2001 - 2006


During the period 2000-2006, the increase that underwent the Party of the Democratic Revolution (PRD), in their levels of party identification in Mexico City, had no emotional significance such as the original theoretical formulation suggests is based towards a party membership (Campbell, 1960). On the other hand, the development of the perredismo obeyed a logic of government performance based on the construction of support by way of social policy, which generated a schema of loyalty or partisanship rational that is based on parameters of assessment different to Fiona Morris (1981) has postulated and the model of Responsible Party Model.The strategy of verification of this hypothesis, was based on an analysis at an aggregate level who contain, with its own database, verify the existence of a linear relationship between the independent variables of expenses in the four programs that included transfers of direct income and the perredismo in each of the 16 political delegations that divides Mexico City.The base is built with data of the following programs: 1. Program of Assistant to Older Adults; 2. Program of Support to the Employment; 3. Scholarship Program, and 4. Program of Assistant to Handicap People, and have the data corresponding to the levels of perredismo of each year indexed by delegation from the data provided by the Research Department of Grupo Reforma.With the purpose of verify the existence or the absence of linear relations between independent expenses variables and the perredismo, there is designed a model of regression in form of a panel that allowed a follow-up of the increase in levels of perredismo in the delegations (transverse units) along the time.Key Words: Social policy, Revolutionary Democratic Party, Responsible Party Model, Clientelism, Patronage, Mexico City


Spanisch, Kastilisch


Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León - UANL

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