Open Access BASE2015

Ecovillage – a public policy priority of rural development. ; Экопоселение - приоритет государственной политики развития сельских территорий. ; Екопоселення – пріоритет державної політики розвитку сільських територій


The purpose of this work consists in the analysis of home legislation, selection of basic directions of development of eco complexes on rural territories of Ukraine, selection of basic problems on the way of creation of eco complexes, research of practice of development of rural territories in Ukraine and foreign countries, making of own suggestions for stimulation of development of rural territories as ecovillages. Methodology is based on fundamental researches of leading scientists of industry. Analyzing statistical data in relation to development of rural territories of Ukraine and documents are got. Results .Majority from problems in relation to providing of steady development of rural territories and creation of ecovillages closely connected between each other.It predetermines the necessity of application of the integrated approach to socio-economic modernisation of regions and cities of Ukraine on principles of steady development. The course on eurointegration, confessed by Ukraine as priority, implementation of the European standards of quality of life the best practices of countries of EUenvisages in relation to the achievement of steady development of cities and rural regions. A scientific novelty and practical meaningfulness consist in the decision of approach of the systems to the problem of settling and renovation of rural territories : to create pre-conditions for stable development of rural territories as base of providing with the proper development of ecovillages , creating to these favourable socioeconomic terms of residence on a village; to complete the passport system of rural settlements, that will allow to define the necessary amount of possible objects for creation of ecovillages ; with the purpose of concentration of resources on realization of tasks in relation to development of village to carry out taking of inventory of the government programs which contain in their structure measures in relation to such development, provide adjustment of list of measures, envisaging changes which would ...

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