Open Access BASE2017

Struktūrinių reformų įgyvendinimo patirtis Lietuvoje: Kauno miesto savivaldybės administracijos atvejis ; Experience of implementing structural reforms in Lithuania: case study of Kaunas city municipal administration


In order to achieve research goal, the following objectives have been implemented : 1) to define and analyze the New Public Governance operating principles; 2) to analyze the concept of public sector reforms and efficiency of the reforms; 3) to analyze and evaluate structural changes which were made during reorganization of Kaunas City Municipality Administration; 4) to analyze which elements of the New Public Governance have been planned and installed in Kaunas City local government during the reorganization; 5) to give the recommendations regarding further implementation of the New Public Governance elements in Kaunas municipal administration.


Litauisch, Englisch


Institutional Repository of Kaunas University of Technology

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