Open Access BASE2010

The evaluation of social and economic development of the region ; Regiono socialinės ir ekonominės plėtros vertinimas


The subject of the article is the evaluation of social and economic development of the region in the content of the European Union. Without common approach as to evaluating progress and development based on integral indices and calculus as well as the authentic source of information, there is always room for subjectivity. Integration into the European Union accelerates the solution of the difficulties of regional policy in Lithuania. Pay attention to the regions is a constant part of the policy of European Union countries. The article analyzes the concepts of a region. There are analysed the conceptions, which differ in the nature and role of the regions, dynamism and development of regionalization processes, level of economic integration. The conceptions are the following ones: social geography, administrative-territorial, institutional, geopolitical and economic. Furthermore, the evaluation analysis of regional development level and its application in different foreign countries, prosecuted by the researchers are introduced in this article. [.]

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