Open Access BASE2019

Mažo optikos tinklo įmonės užsakymų valdymo proceso skaitmeninimas, taikant veiklos procesų valdymo principus ; Digitalization of Order Management Process of Small Optical Retail Business by Applying Principles of Business Process Management


Small-medium sized companies create a huge part of added value in the market and they make up over 99 % of all companies in European Union. So, it is of highest importance that their processes would be efficient and effective. Business Process Management is a methodology that is frequently applied in large enterprises in order to digitalize its processes, improve their efficiency. Though there is a lack of information on the application of such methodology in the environment of small-medium sized business. When compared to large enterprises, small companies are facing constraints of limited financial and informational resources, but also, they usually are characterized by a fast decision making, rapid change implementation and higher work ethics and they are striving to use their resources in the most effective manner. All this considered, application of Business Process Management methodology, development of Business Process Management Systems and business process digitalization are beneficial for such companies, though the results of such initiatives can be unpredictable and even detrimental in case of a straightforward application. The aim of this research is to digitalize an order management process of a small optical retail business by applying principles of Business Process Management, evaluate the applicability of process optimization methods suggested by this methodology in the environment of small – medium sized businesses, identify the main benefits and drawbacks of business process management systems for small-medium sized companies and finally present recommendations with an intention of getting the best possible outcome of such initiative. After optimizing the order management process of a small optical retail business, we suggest an approach of process improvement for small-medium sized companies. Also, we have identified the main benefits of such initiative and present general recommendations for businesses of similar type, system analysts and developers with an aim of a higher rate of successful BPM and process digitalization initiatives in small-mediums sized businesses.


Litauisch, Englisch


Institutional Repository of Kaunas University of Technology

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