Open Access BASE2017

Project Management Methods in Projects Co-financed by EU Funds


This paper deals with the problems of projects co-financed by European Union funds (structural funds and the Cohesion fund) in the Czech Republic within the Programming Period 2007 – 2013 from the point of view of the knowledge and use of project management methods within implementation of these projects. The authors aimed to analyse and assess the scope of knowledge and the rate of utilization of project management methods by the solvers of projects co-financed by EU funds in the Programming Period 2007 – 2013 and to evaluate the influence of the project solvers' attitude to project management on the scope of knowledge and the rate of utilization of project management methods. At first, the paper characterizes the basic project management methods, and then it discusses the outcomes of a questionnaire survey focused on the knowledge of the basic project management methods and their utilization within implementation of projects co-financed by EU funds, and that also in view of the project solvers' attitude to the above methods as efficiency improving tools. At the same time, these outcomes are compared with the outcomes of the research performed by Spolecnost pro projektove rizeni, which evaluated the scope of awareness and rate of utilization of the basic project management methods in the Czech Republic. Finally, there are recommendations to the institutional authorities on application within the Programming Period 2014 – 2020.DOI:

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