Open Access BASE2006

Interbudgetary Redistribution of Funds in Lithuania: Institutional Interests and Financial Independence of Local Authorities


The impact of interbudgetary redistribution of funds on the financial independence of local authorities isanalysed in this article. The authors argue that interbudgetary redistribution of funds in Lithuania proves to bethe important mean retaining the dominance of central government's on the local finances. Transfer paymentsfrom the state budget reflect the central government's policy towards local governments. Financial transfersfrom the state budget reinforce the role of the state institutions in the sub national finances field and restrict thefinancial independence of local governments. Besides this fact, local budget income equalization and revenueredistribution through the state budget does not contribute to the natural development of local financial system.Current problems, their consequences and possible solutions for increasing local financial independence hadbeen analyzed in the article.In order to explore the practice of interbudgetary redistribution in the context of public finance system,categories of the institutionalism theory was chosen. Institutionalism provides a framework for defining thelogic of state and local government institutions interaction in the process of allocating resources. Article exploresthe institutional interests and institutional conflicts in Lithuanian public finance institutional field. Themain conflict arenas are defined as follows: redistribution of local governments' revenues through the statebudget; the domination of special grants in local budgets revenue structure; and special grants for investmentprojects.

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