Open Access BASE2022

Biology and conservation of marine turtles in the northwestern Indian Ocean: a review


The northwestern Indian Ocean hosts globally crucial marine biodiversity, which is relatively understudied. There has, however, been significant research and conservation effort focused on marine turtles across the region in recent decades. We undertook an exhaustive review of 251 relevant publications to extract and collate the current information concerning marine turtles. To ensure completeness, we received input on a preliminary draft from a large group of experts who have worked extensively in the region. Data presented here are from all 13 countries with significant coastlines in the region (Bahrain, Djibouti, Egypt, Eritrea, Iran, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Sudan, United Arab Emirates, and Yemen) on occurrence, nesting biology, morphology, foraging areas, population status, threats, and relevant national legislation and international conservation strategies. The experts independently provided details on what they felt were the (1) most significant threats to marine turtles, (2) most critical knowledge gaps for marine turtle ecology, (3) impediments to practical conservation, and (4) essential strengths and opportunities in the region. ; We thank the Department of Education and Knowledge, Abu Dhabi, UAE, and the Environment Agency-Abu Dhabi for sponsoring the lead author in this review. We also thank Casper Van de Geer, who provided insight and expertise that greatly assisted this review. We extend our thanks to the reviewers who have provided insightful comments and suggestions to enhance this review.

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