Open Access BASE2014


In: Regional Formation and Development Studies; Vol 12, No 1 (2014); 3


Like in all other journal numbers, in this journal also there are articles strongly connected with journal topic. There are some regional problems aspects, evaluating them in organizational and governmental level. There are some articles about problems in rural areas. A. Aleksandravičius analyzes models of public electronic services organization in the rural areas; V. Atkočiūnienė describes factors determining labour places sustainable development in Lithuanian rural regions; A. Župerka, E. Župerkienė describe entrepreneurship factors in rural areas of Lithuanian cross-border regions. Some authors, how A. Kozlovskaja and T. Q. Dinh, H. Hilmarsson analyzes relevance of risk factors for Lithuanian agricultural producers and also food processing in Vietnam. For public administration people would be interesting some articles like M. Grigaliūnas article about the official values-level attitudes of EU to volunteering; V. Burkšienė, E. Račaitė article about organizational learning in ministries of Republic of Lithuania; I. Normantė article about public services liberalization. If we continue to read articles about quality of services in organizational level, we can mention V. Grublienė, E. Ambraziūnaitė, L. Venckevičė article. A. Kutkaitis, A. Petrulis evaluate leadership styles, A. Giedraitis describe management of ergonomic risk factors in organization. Transport and international trade problems are described in two articles: I. Gumenyuk, T. Kuznetsova and E. Spiriajevas. Articles for sustainable development and the better country development description are in these articles: R. Čiegis, A. Dilius, A. Mikalauskienė bei L. Šimanskienė, A. Petrulis describe aspects of sustainability; A. B. Knašas analyzes the development of scientific-technical progress in terms of published patent applications; A. Homutinin analyzes system dynamics modeling of social economic development in Latvia and M. Norkevičius describes analysis of regionalization processes in Latin America. So this journal number should be interesting for different field of scientists and business people.




Klaipėda University



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