Open Access BASE2014

Kaitseliit vaidmuo Estijos gynybos sistemoje 1918–1940 metais

In: Acta Historica Universitatis Klaipedensis; Vol 28 (2014); 181-220


The paper deals with the role of the Kaitseliit (Defence League) voluntary defence organisationin Estonia's defence in the years of the Estonian War of Independence (also known as theLiberation War) and in peacetime until 1940, with attention focused mainly on the 1930s. Anoverview is provided of the historiography, the formation of Kaitseliit in 1918, its role in theLiberation War, the period of decreasing activity of the organisation after the war, and the restorationand development of Kaitseliit in the 1920s and 1930s. The author reviews the objectivesof the organisation, issues of its membership, structure, management and armament,as well as the use of Kaitseliit and its units in Estonian military defence and internal training.The paper also attempts to answer the question how the role of Kaitseliit in Estonian nationaldefence developed.Key words: paramilitarism, Kaitseliit, paramilitary organisational structure, military defenceof Estonia, military training. DOI:




Klaipėda University



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