Open Access BASE2022

Lyderystės raiška, plėtojant nevyriausybinių organizacijų veiklą socialinio darbo lauke ; Expression of leadership in the development of non-governmental organizations in the field of social work


The practical relevance of the research. Strong and competent non-governmental organizations represent the country in international organizations, promote volunteering, increase civic and corporate social responsibility, raise funds from private donors and international foundations and organizations, or engage in commercial activities, thus creating social and economic value for the state. NGOs stem from the civic initiative and a desire to address pressing issues and needs that cannot be met by the government and the business sector. There is a shortage of talented leaders, so it is necessary to create a new generation of leaders and support current and future leaders. Leadership development programs for NGO leaders must incorporate best practices and existing practices, rather than applying traditional leadership training methods. Scientific relevance of the research. The current global environment for NGOs is defined by the uncertainty of fundraising, the effects of climate change, growing economic inequality, changing geopolitical dynamics, and greater interaction through the use of the Internet (Green, 2015). A review of the scientific literature shows that the level of implementation of strategic planning had a positive relationship with organizational effectiveness in social service organizations in Portugal (Ferreira, Proenca, 2015). The factors implementing the strategy influencing the effectiveness of the project in the NGO were leadership, culture, resource allocation, and structure (Ramadan, 2015). In addition, a recent study focusing on the impact of strategy drivers on project effectiveness in Warsaw, Poland, found supportive leadership and leadership to ensure NGO success (Okorley, Nkrumah, 2012). The above-mentioned research reveals the novelty of the research on the expression of leadership and the impact on the development of NGO activities in the field of social work. The research problem is defined by a problematic question: how is the leadership that develops the activities of NGOs in the ...


Litauisch, Englisch


Institutional Repository of Klaipeda University

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