Open Access BASE2011

Augalų įtakos pastato architektūrinei raiškai miestovaizdyje ekologiniai ir kompoziciniai aspektai ; Aspects of ecological and compositional influence of plants on building architectural expression in townscape


In the last few years, a negative impact on the environmental values of the Lithuanian urban landscape was made by an increasingly growing urbanization: more densely situated buildings, growing areas of solid concrete or other surface, less and less space for greenery. Soon, roofs shall be equipped not only with antennas, but also with solar collectors and small wind turbines. All this will undoubtedly have an impact on the architectural expression of buildings and landscapes and in the near future, the impact will become even more significant. To achieve high aesthetic value and ecological stability of Lithuanian urban landscapes, the necessary number of studies are required as well as regulatory planning and legislative measures to guarantee the high quality of landscapes not only in the coming years, but in the long term as well. Dust and gas polluted air creates major threat to human health in urban areas. Atmospheric air saturated with harmful substances penetrates into residential housing, hospitals, educational institutions and classrooms, and industrial premises. Indoor air is saturated with chemicals and substances, such as xylene, benzene, formaldehyde, ammonia, acetone and others, are released by building materials and furniture. Besides, there is also human and bio-depleted air. Free planting of trees and shrubs, flowers, grass, balcony attached trays, and plants in pots at the premises is no longer sufficient in urban areas. Drastic architectural and urbanistic measures are required to help people in the city to restore the natural environment. We are children of nature and we have to move closer to it. To hide urban monotony, considerable efforts have to be made: plans – our friends – should take their places on building roofs and walls, balconies and terraces.

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