Open Access BASE2013

Užgavėnių šventės atgarsiai lietuviškoje XX a. pirmosios pusės periodikoje: kaip šventė miestiečiai? ; Glimpses of the Shrovetide holiday in the early 20th century Lithuanian press: how townspeople celebrated it


The information found in the Lithuanian periodicals of the first half of the 20th century (1905–1940) reveals a variety of traditions for celebrating Shrovetide in Lithuanian cities and villages. Lithuanian ethnographers have only used a portion of this material in their research studies, namely, the ethnographic descriptions of Shrovetide. Nevertheless, the press abounds in interesting reports on how Shrovetide or "the happy season" was celebrated among the townspeople of different social classes, youth, political organizations, corporations, students. The periodicals also contain descriptions of carnivals in foreign countries, which made a significant influence on the emergence of more varied forms of celebration. The study aims to reveal Shrovetide customs in Lithuanian cities in the early 20th century and their relationship with Shrovetide customs in the village.

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