Open Access BASE2020

Demografinė situacija Lietuvos kaimiškose savivaldybėse ; Demographic situation in Lithuanian rural municipalities


The researchers from Lithuanian Institute of Agrarian economics confirmed that classification of Lithuanian regions by rurality into 5 groups is a more comprehensive method to reveal economic and social differences of the regions than the method used by the government at the present by classifying regions in to the problematic and non-problematic regions (Melnikienė et al., 2011). The object of the research – municipalities of different rurality degree. The objective of this paper – to analyze population density and demographic situation from 2011 to 2018 changes in municipalities of different rurality degree in Lithuania. Our research has revealed, that on average rural municipalities cover area 10 times larger than urban municipalities and 1,2 times larger than semi-urban municipalities. Taking into account population density, natural population change, net migration, old-age dependency ratio in 2011 and 2018, it was found that 10 municipalities are improving, 19 municipalities - unchanged and 16 municipalities - worsening.

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