Open Access BASE2021

Viešojo saugumo prioritetų ir socialinių grupių interesų dialektika ; The dialectics of public security priorities and interests of social groups


The object of this master's thesis is public security as a precondition for implementation of welfare state, which in the contemporary context can be held as one of the most relevant political and social topics in the research of national security. In accordance with the thesis' object, the aim of the thesis was formulated: to assess the connection between public security and welfare state, as one of the main common interests of social groups, that is determined by their interdependence and its perspectives, especially in accordance with the Lithuanian context. After carrying out the tasks of the thesis, a conclusion is drawn that public security is a necessary condition for the sustainable national development and that in order to develop an enduring welfare state in Lithuania it is needed to shape a sustainable and stable structure of public security that covers the functioning of state, business and society spheres, coordination of their interests and contribution to the national welfare and security. Also significant in Lithuania's development as a welfare state is the fact that in the long-term universal welfare ensures environment favourable for public security and prevention of manifestations of public insecurity. This reveals the dialectical interdependence of public security and welfare, the equilibrium stability of which is seen as a significant task of national security safeguarding.


Litauisch, Englisch


Institutional Repository of Klaipeda University

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