Open Access BASE2016

Destination cities of European exchange students

In: Van Mol , C & Ekamper , P 2016 , ' Destination cities of European exchange students ' , Geografisk Tidsskrift-Danish Journal of Geography , vol. 116 , no. 1 , pp. 85-91 .


The Erasmus programme is generally considered the flagship of intra-European exchange programmes in higher education, with more than three million participants since 1987. Whereas a number of studies investigated the determinants of student mobility decisions, no knowledge exists on the main destination cities of European exchange students. Our research note aims at filling this gap in the academic literature. Making use of a unique data-set from the European Commission containing micro-level data on the full population of Erasmus students for study purposes in 2012–2013 (n = 211,267), we provide a descriptive overview of the spatial distribution of Erasmus students at the city level. The results reveal that European exchange students are mainly attracted by capitals and second-tier metropolitan cities. Furthermore, the analysis reveals significant variation regarding the main region of origin of mobile students within most destination countries.

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