Open Access BASE2012

Concept of investigation and reform of Serbian criminal procedural law ; Koncept istrage i reforma krivičnog procesnog zakonodavstva Srbije


The topic of this article is a critical analysis of professional issues in the investigation of the concept of reform of the criminal procedure legislation in Serbia which is still ongoing. Underlying issues have been analyzed from three aspects. First, general comments about the investigation and its relevance to criminal proceedings are provided and within those the issues for a long period of criminal procedure discussed in theory and practice are specifically emphasized. For example, there is a case to investigate the relationship between the concept and its effectiveness and thus the efficiency of the process as a whole. The second aspect of analyzed issues consist of questions related to the concept of prosecutorial investigation as an essential feature of the process of reform of the criminal procedure legislation in Serbia, where arguments of prosecutorial justification of the concept of judicial investigation have primarily been analyzed along with the principles by which a legislator should be guided in the standardization of the prosecutorial concept of investigation. Finally, the third - and the key aspect consists of the issues related to review of normative elaboration of the concept of prosecutorial investigation into the new RS CPC and the draft Law on Amendments to the legal text available to Serbian expert public, and not just Serbian. The main conclusion of expert critical analysis of this group of questions that are still in the draft of the Law on Amendments to the CPC concept of prosecutorial investigation in Serbia develops in a way that is consistent with the efforts of the majority of experts in Serbia and not only Serbia. ; Predmet analize u radu je stručno-kritička analiza pitanja koncepta istrage u procesu reforme krivičnog procesnog zakonodavstva Srbije koja je još uvek u toku. Predmetna pitanja analizirana su sa tri aspekta. Prvo su date opšte napomene o istrazi i njenom značaju za krivični postupak i u okviru istih su posebno apostrofirana pitanja koja su već duži period predmet rasprave kako krivičnoprocesne teorije tako i prakse. Slučaj npr. sa pitanjem odnosa koncepta istrage i njene efikasnosti a time i efikasnosti krivičnog postupka kao celine. Drugi aspekt analizirane problematike čine pitanja tužilačkog koncepta istrage kao bitnog obeležja procesa reforme krivičnog procesnog zakonodavstva Srbije, i u istom su pre svega analizirani argumenti opravdanosti tužilačkog nad sudskim konceptom istrage i načela kojima treba da se rukovodi zakonodavac u normiranju tužilačkog koncepta istrage. Na kraju, treći - ključni aspekt čine pitanja prikaza normativne razrade tužilačkog koncepta istrage u novom ZKP RS i u Radnoj verziji Zakona o izmenama i dopunama ovog zakonskog teksta dostupnoj stručnoj javnosti Srbije i ne samo Srbije. Osnovni zaključak stručno-kritičke analize ove grupe pitanja je da se tek u Radnoj verziji Zakona o izmenama i dopunama ZKP tužilački koncept istrage u Srbiji razrađuje na način koji je u skladu sa većinskim zalaganjima stručne javnosti Srbije i ne samo Srbije.

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