Open Access BASE2006

Government regulation i wate management in Sweden/Belarus


This study shows that the Government of Sweden has been trying to reduce landfilling through the Government regulation in WM. The Government has the aim to increase re-use,recycling, composting, energy recovery which leads to lower environmental impact, lower consumption of energy resources, and lower economic costs.On the basis of the EU Waste Management legislation they developed economic instruments for WM in Sweden. The Extended Producer Responsibility for Packaging was studied due to thefact that it forced the producers to create the recycling companies which help to keep working ahuge and rather complicated material recycling system in Sweden.In this work waste handling system for households and industry was overviewed as well as the costs for waste handling in Sweden.There was an effort to analyse the effectiveness of the Government regulation in WM inSweden.The purpose of this study is to analyse and discuss if it's possible to implement Swedish WMGovernment regulation in Belarus. So, the current situation of waste flow and the economicinstruments for WM in Belarus were studied. In the process of work there were difficulties infinding data in Belarus.In this study there were discussed the actions need to be taken in Belarus to implement theSwedish experience in WM and difficulties on the way to reach the sustainable waste management.Keywords: government regulation, waste management, EU Waste Management legislation,producer responsibility, waste handling, recycling companies, economic instruments. ;

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