Open Access BASE2018

Automated multi-atlas segmentation of cardiac 4D flow MRI


Four-dimensional (4D) flow magnetic resonance imaging (4D Flow MRI) enables acquisition of time-resolved three-directional velocity data in the entire heart and all major thoracic vessels. The segmentation of these tissues is typically performed using semi-automatic methods. Some of which primarily rely on the velocity data and result in a segmentation of the vessels only during the systolic phases. Other methods, mostly applied on the heart, rely on separately acquired balanced Steady State Free Precession (b-SSFP) MR images, after which the segmentations are superimposed on the 4D Flow MRI. While b-SSFP images typically cover the whole cardiac cycle and have good contrast, they suffer from a number of problems, such as large slice thickness, limited coverage of the cardiac anatomy, and being prone to displacement errors caused by respiratory motion. To address these limitations we propose a multi-atlas segmentation method, which relies only on 4D Flow MRI data, to automatically generate four-dimensional segmentations that include the entire thoracic cardiovascular system present in these datasets. The approach was evaluated on 4D Flow MR datasets from a cohort of 27 healthy volunteers and 83 patients with mildly impaired systolic left-ventricular function. Comparison of manual and automatic segmentations of the cardiac chambers at end-systolic and end-diastolic timeframes showed agreements comparable to those previously reported for automatic segmentation methods of b-SSFP MR images. Furthermore, automatic segmentation of the entire thoracic cardiovascular system improves visualization of 4D Flow MRI and facilitates computation of hemodynamic parameters. ; Funding details: 310612; Funding details: FP7, Seventh Framework Programme; Funding details: 621-2014-6191, VR, Vetenskapsrådet; Funding details: 223615; Funding details: 20140398; Funding text: This work was partially funded by the FP7-funded project DOPPLER-CIP [grant number 223615]; the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme ( FP7/2007-2013 ) [grant number 310612 ]; the Swedish Research Council [grant number 621-2014-6191 ]; and the Swedish Heart and Lung Foundation [grant number 20140398 ].

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