Open Access BASE2020

Information Commons Between Enclosure and Exposure : Regulating Piracy and Privacy in the EU


In the first decade of the 21s century, copyright was high on the political agenda as activists and academics criticised how stricter implementations of copyright laws limited the public access to culture and knowledge and enclosed the information commons. A decade later, streaming media and data mining have changed the information-political agenda, shifting the focus from piracy to privacy, giving concepts such as access to knowledge and information commons new meanings. This article relates the copyfights of the early 2000nds to more recent copyright discussions. It relies on a series of interviews with members of the Pirate Party, conducted between 2011 and 2015 and connects them to more recent debates about the European Union Directive on Copyright for the Digital Single Market (COM/2016/0593) that was passed in march 2019. The article asks if and how the information commons movement and the international political agenda about intellectual property rights and access to information have changed with the rise of a digital economy build around streaming media and data mining. ; Funding agencies:This work was supported by the Swedish Research Council and the Marie Skldowska Curie Actions under Grant E0633901. ; Commons and Commodities




Linköpings universitet, Avdelningen för kultur, samhälle, form och medier; Linköpings universitet, Filosofiska fakulteten; Utrecht, Netherlands : Utrecht University Library Open Access Journals



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