Open Access BASE2008

Educating inclusion? : Aspects of exclusion within the inclusive policy concept of Lifelong Learning



ABSTRACT In the last decade social inclusion together with lifelong learning have emerged as strong policy-leading concepts within the European Union. In order to enhance social inclusion, extensive investments in lifelong learning have been made. At the same time, the discourse of lifelong learning has become more individualized and market-oriented. Research shows how the individual learner has difficulties in managing the situation, as an increasing amount of responsibility in fulfilling the goals of the European Commission is placed upon the learning subject, rather than the state. The basic aim of the study is to discern what different approaches of inclusion/exclusion are to be found within discourses about lifelong learning in educational research accessible in the database ERIC. This article takes its theoretical point of departure in the Foucauldian notion of governmentality, focusing on how power operates in processes of objectification and subjection in order to increase the capacity of the population. Based upon the articles examined, I argue that both social inclusion and lifelong learning as positive and unproblematic policy-concepts need to be questioned and further problemized. Instead of looking at lifelong learning as one formal and normal solution for all, the result emphasizes the need for variety and diversity in policy-directives and increased sensitivity to the complex situation of those identified as the others.




Växjö universitet, Institutionen för pedagogik

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