Open Access BASE2021

The impact of the marketing environment on strategic marketing planning in Northern Iraq ; Rinkodaros aplinkos poveikis strateginiam rinkodaros planavimui Šiaurės Irake


The success factors of any company depend on understanding the market environment, which in turn is subdivided into external and internal factors that affect the process of marketing products and services (Bahua, 2020). In this research, the market in northern Iraq (Kurdistan region of Iraq), where Islamic culture prevails, has been addressed. The behavior of consumers in the Kurdish (Islamic) society is affected by the ideas, values and norms that prevail in the society and which are essentially centered around the Islamic religion, which in turn affects the consumer's behavior and decisions. When developing marketing plans and strategies by companies operating in northern Iraq, many factors that may pose a serious threat to the company's success process must be taken into consideration. These factors may be economic, demographic, technological, social, political or cultural. In this study, the focus was on social and cultural factors, and the researcher took upon himself the analysis of the religious factor and its effects on consumer decisions. Through this research, fifteen samples were taken from people with experience in the field of marketing in northern Iraq. The samples were of both sexes with experience from three months to nine years. Then the data was analyzed using MAXQDA. Eighteen primary and seventeen secondary codes were obtained. The codes were analyzed to obtain twelve patterns. These patterns helped the researcher obtain the desired results, which answered the research questions.


Litauisch, Englisch


Institutional Repository of LCC International University

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