Open Access BASE2016

Užmiesčio vietovių ekonominė ir socialinė situacija: Telšių rajono atvejis ; The Economic and Social Situation in the Countryside: the Case study of Telsiai district


The economic and social changes, which have occurred over the last decade in Lithuania and in the whole European Union, have been analyzed in the thesis. A detailed analysis of relevant documents and statistical data has been performed, as well as information about economic activity and changes of population structure of Telsiai district was collected during our empirical research. Attention has been paid to the most relevant social services and local communities' efforts to increase the growth of economic activities in the countryside., The thesis also analyses, what economic and social information has been collected in the smallest local administrative units (circuits) and how it can be used to promote entrepreneurship and make countryside areas more attractive for the population and potential investors. Data, collecting during the questioning of circuit employees and different social groups of local residents, was summarized and presented in the thesis. It allows us to highlight the main problems affecting the current situation of the countryside areas in Telsiai district. Contemporary possibilities of local communities for stimulation of youth entrepreneurship have been stressed. The thesis takes into account the European Union administrative territorial division criteria, which says that "urban" is an area with six thousand or more inhabitants, residing compactly, and majority of them are employed in non-agrarian sectors, but in industry, construction and transportation, businesses, marketing, healthcare, etc. There are two cities – Telsiai and Varniai – in Telsiai district. All other areas – small towns, townships and villages are classified as rural, i. e. countryside. In according of new typology of economic mission of areas with the different level of urbanization the countryside should not be wholly designed and dependent only on agrarian activity. These areas have also to be used for development of the modern industry and services. Keywords: agriculture, rural municipality, farming, local communities, migration, population structure, diversification of economic activities, countryside.


Litauisch, Englisch


Institutional Repository of Siauliai University

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