Open Access BASE2016

Pagrindinių eksportuotojų į JAV eksporto elastingumas valiutos kursui ; Export elasticity of exchange rate of the main exporters to USA


Many separate economics after world economic crises are looking to help their economies improve faster through export. Recently some accusations between main world exporters to USA have risen for possible exchange rate manipulation, with intention to increase export. According to results of the paper, these accusations are reasonable. In the first part of the paper the theory analysis on export and exchange rate is presented. Also there is a review of other researches of exchange rate influence on export and possible manipulation of same exchange rate. In the second part of the paper hypothesis of the research, data and econometric model is presented. In the last part of the study there are results of the research. According to the results, Mexico's and Canada's exports to USA have elasticity of exchange rate. Also Granger causality of exchange rate on separate exports of Mexico, Canada, Japan, China and European Union has been found. These results justify the accusations and tension between mentioned exporters


Litauisch, Englisch


Institutional Repository of Vytautas Magnus University

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