Open Access BASE2009

Ekologinės teisės įgyvendinimo Lietuvoje socialinis veiksmingumas ; Social Efficiency of Implementing Environmental Law in Lithuania


Master Work, analysing social efficiency of implementing environmental law in Lithuania, is relevant in understanding why environmental laws, though comprehensive and strict, often seem to fail proving their social efficiency. Analysing Nord stream pipeline project, one can reveal any amount of basic environmental principles and guidelines. Also to be emphasized, that Nord Stream project nowadays is one of the most controversial environmental, as well as political, social, economical issue in the Baltic Sea region. The object of the research is to analyse and assess the efficiency of environmental laws. The aim of the research is to analyse and assess the social efficiency of implementing ecological law in Lithuania, as subject of international and EU law. Main tasks in achieving the mentioned aim: to assess the efficiency of international environmental policy solving environmental problems worldwide; to analyse main streams and efficiency of EU and Lithuanian environmental laws; to assess the project of Nord Stream in the context of international and EU, including Lithuanian laws; also to analyse the actions of Lithuania in the process of Nord Stream project planning and ensuring the embodyment of environmental laws. The hypothesis is posed, that international, EU and Lithuanian environmental laws seem not to be effective according to the fact, that states usually follow the criterias of economical and political benefits rather than provisions of environmental law. In this research, case study and document analysis methods are used. The research leads to conclusions, that: provisions of environmental law in the EU are rather strict, but that does not always guarantee their efficiency; the environment protection system of Lithuania is abundant in laws, but measures for implementing them are lacking; the project of Nord stream pipeline contradicts the main common principles of environmental law. Proposals that follow: environmental laws must include specific measures for implementing them; Lithuanian environmental laws must be harmonized; specific laws must be adopted – in this case, a law for regulation pollution from pipelines.


Litauisch, Englisch


Institutional Repository of Mykolas Romeris University

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