Open Access BASE2011

Politinio marketingo kaštų įtaka rinkimų rezultatams ; Political marketing influence for elections rezult


The final goal of diploma paper is to assess the influence of political marketing costs on election results. To achieve the objective, the policy and political marketing concept is analyzed in a theoretical part of the paper, together with interpretation of political marketing model as well as the analysis of the political party campaign finance laws and political advertising. Final analytical part provides an analysis of the Municipal Council election results of the Republic of Lithuania. Using the calculated costs of the income and expenditure of the Lithuanian Social Democrats, the Homeland Union - Lithuanian Christian Democrats and the Labor party's political campaign of the mandate of the city of Vilnius and Kaunas elective districts, and Lithuania. In a designed part of the paper , solutions are formulated how to attract voters and how to get the greatest number of mandates : 1. A separate segment of the future and current university students (undergraduate students) should be distinguished; 2. LSDP when positioning must rely on their many years of experience and knowledge. 3. HU-LSC has to reduce its negative image and position itself as a positive development and change aiming party; 4. LP may be positioning itself as the leading party which helps a middle class people to seek an education.


Litauisch, Englisch


Institutional Repository of Vytautas Magnus University

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