Open Access BASE2007

Kauno medicinos universiteto gydytojų rezidentų pasirengimo praktiniam darbui įvertinimas ; The evaluation of Kaunas university of medicine residents preparation for pracitical activity


Aim of the study: to evaluate Kaunas University of Medicine residents preparation for a practical activity and work in health care institutions. Objectives: 1. the evaluation of description of residential studies programs; 2. the evaluation of structure of medical standards; 3. the evaluation of resident's opinion of their preparation for practical activity. Methods: The object of analysis: KMU programs of residency studies; medical standards; KMU doctors graduated in 2006. Methods of analysis: the analysis of scientific literature; the analysis of documents; questionnaire; the analysis of statistical data using the program SPSS 12. Results: 1. There was 28 residency studies programs evaluated, that had clear and equal for all programs structure. The constitution and content of programs were clearly described. There was no security of common internal residency programs quality politics and procedures. Some inaccuracy was found in sixteen residency programs. 2. Seven professional qualifications did not have certified medical standards. The standards had equal and clear structure. The residency programs were organized according to these standards. 3. 53, 8 % of residents got to know the medical standards, they also better knew their specialty diseases (p=0,029). Medical residents of traditional profile better knew the symptoms of their specialty diseases (Fisher exact test p=0,027). 36, 5 % of residents assumed that they had enough experience in communication with patients. Diagnose and heal tumors could 19, 2 %, do surgery 15 %. Approximately 65 % of respondents evaluated well the knowledge, qualification and preparation for practical activity they got. Only 25 % could forecast heal results independently. 34, 6 % of respondents spared maximum time for their studies and tried hardest, they stated, they could independently make tests, decisions while healing. The same amount of respondents thought that their specialty was considered to be prestigious. Those residents, who spared more time for their studies and tried harder, better evaluated the knowledge, qualification and preparation for practical activity they got. 48, 1 % of respondents were satisfied with their studies. Those residents, who better evaluated lecturers (p<0,001) and environment (p=0,027) were more satisfied. Asked where they would like to work after graduating from the university, 30,8 % said they would choose not healing sphere, 32,6 % would choose the second level of HCI in Lithuanian cities. 63, 5 % of respondents think about leaving to foreign countries. Conclusions: 1. The programs of KMU residential studies were created and prepared for all professional qualifications and conformed to higher education residential programs and their principles. 2. The medical standards were structured, easily written, certified with Health service minister order and were available for all medical professions, but were certified not with all professional qualifications. 3. The residents, who spared more time for studies, statistically could better evaluate their knowledge, qualification, and preparation for practical activity; however the majority (65, 4 %) did not pay much time for their studies. In the residents opinion their theoretical knowledge was good, but there was lack of practical skills.


Litauisch, Englisch


Institutional Repository of Lithuanian University of Health Sciences

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