Open Access BASE2007

Vilniaus miesto bendrojo lavinimo mokyklų tinklo pertvarkos struktūrizuotos problemos ; Structural problems of reorganization of general education schools network in Vilnius city


The structure problems of structural problems of reorganization of general education schools in Vilnius city are researched, the possible reasons and ways of solution are presented in the work. The aim is to open and divide the problems of schools' network reorganization and the factors interfering its implementation. The work is divided into introduction, theoretical and empirical units, conclusions and recommendations. The development of educational reform after regaining the independence, its stages and political, social and economical grounds are presented and thoroughly described in the first unit. The run and impediments of general education reform in Lithuania analyzed by scientists, educators, and independent authors presented in the second unit as well as influence of educational communities and the reform evaluation made by their representatives. In the third unit the results of quantitative and qualitative research in the context of reorganization of school network described. The author successfully presents the structural analyses of social, economical and political fields taking into account the importance of the problem for each member of the community. Qualitative research lays in the background of analyses, linking with reasons and possible ways of making decisions. Some mostly important problems of reorganization of schools network in Vilnius and other cities as well as recommendations for decision makers, educators, representatives of schools administration are outlined in the conclusions.


Litauisch, Englisch


Institutional Repository of Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences

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