Open Access BASE2012

Teisinis ugdymas bendrojo lavinimo mokykloje: programų ir turinio kaita ; Legal education at the secondary school: the change of syllabus and content


We live in the world that is full of variety and uncertainty together with subterfuge, criticism and creativity and it is the time that we need more individual abortions, perception, reflection and responsibility for the legal choices. Legal education at secondary school is the environment that educates students, namely citizens that are conscious, realizing their rights and duties, able to adjust legal knowledge in certain situations, constructively participate in changing society life. The obstacles that appear in education reality are associated with social life changes, the education content as social expressions, reflects the changes of today's society, as well as expectations and problems. Education content will be meaningful only when it will correlate with society and person's material and emotional culture. As a consequence, modern society should take into consideration education syllabus and their content as only the competent and meaningful syllabus as well as content may be useful and influence the progress among secondary school students. As far as quick social and legal education content change is concerned, it is important to note the significance of competences in General syllabus. This globalization era is marked with exceptional mark when global ideology assuring easier, of more quality and interesting life pierces the politics, culture, education, social life of every country suggesting living according common principles, namely, competences. The conception of competences is reasoned by education, it is the tune of educational processes that create common system of knowledge, skills, competence and value transmission. Consequently, the essence of renewable General programs is the transition from traditional and common education to modern education when educational content starts educate student competences. The object of this research is legal education aspect General syllabus at secondary school. This research aims at revealing the syllabus and content change of legal education at secondary school. The tasks of this research are as follows: 1. To analyze the main aspects of legal education syllabus and content change at secondary school. 2. To reveal the concept of competence education in General syllabus. 3. To look into legal education integration in General syllabus. 4. To figure out general competence expression in legal education context. Methodology: content analysis method, scientific and methodological literature analysis and generalization. Theoretical part deals with theoretical aspects of education, the concept of legal education is analyzed as well as its importance. The secondary school as an educational institution is considered, its significance in fast changing society. What is more, continuous education at secondary school is associated with education content and its change. On the grounds of general syllabus, general competences at secondary schools are examined in the context of legal education. The research is based on General syllabus (2002, 2008, 2011). The qualitative analysis was implemented by quality analysis open source coding program "Kokybis". The research results reveal that there is sufficient amount of attention legal education in schools starting elementary education and finishing with secondary education. Moreover, there are signs of adequate integration in syllabus as well as the expression of competences is visible in legal education context.


Litauisch, Englisch


Institutional Repository of Mykolas Romeris University

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