Open Access BASE2017

Valstybės tarnybos instituto teisinio reguliavimo raida: esminiai pokyčiai ir problemos ; Public Service Institute of the legal regulation of development: major changes and challenges


The thesis analyses legal regulation of the development in the context of major changes and challenges of Lithuanian Institute of Public Service. The development of legal regulation of the Institute has been studied since 1990 discussing the origins of purification process of the civil service institute. According to enactment and its changes in the Public Service Institute, the development of legal regulation is divided into specific stages, focusing on the performance and emphasis on fundamental changes and challenges. The analysis is based on statistical data and public institutional documents, legislation and scientific publications. The research is important because changes and problems in the public service are not fully published and focused on individual aspects of Public Service Institute. However, the work is based on two studies that are unique, and haven not been published yet.


Litauisch, Englisch


Institutional Repository of Mykolas Romeris University

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