Open Access BASE2010

Tarnybinė teisė ir naujoji valstybės tarnybų (institucijų) valdymo paradigma ; Civil Service Law and Innovative Paradigm of Administration Governmental Institutions


The starting point of social processes studies is a consistent pattern of social development revealed by human theories. These are universal requirements which are to be obeyed by state statutory services. The reform based on a social consistent pattern is the main guarantee of its success. A new public administration supposing democratic legitimacy and market mechanisms is a feature of a new administrative paradigm of state statutory services analyzed in this study. Academic necessity to analyze state service and business, interaction between public and private interests in a new state services administration context was an unofficial trigger for this study to appear. The author raises a hypothesis: contrasting of public and private interests in the fields important to a society misrepresents a vision of the legal administrative state and becomes an obstacle to perform a mission entrusted by the state. The subject of the study "Civil Service Law and Innovative Paradigm of Administration Governmental Institutions" is a solution of the problem of interaction and competition of public and private interests by creating and reforming institutions of public administration in XXI century. The topic is too broad; therefore, the author takes as a goal to defame public interest of administrative state, tendencies of implementation means development. [.]


Litauisch, Englisch

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