Open Access BASE2019

Išraiškos laisvė ir jos įgyvendinimo galimybės ; Right for Expression and Possibilities for Its Implementation


The master's thesis analyses the concept and legislation of freedom of expression, revealing the importance of freedom of expression to the democratic society and personal development. Defining freedom of expression possibilities and implementation. Analyzing the restrictions and liability for inappropriate exercise of freedom of expression. Examining the protection of human rights through the use of freedom of expression. It is found that in the directory of human rights and freedoms, the freedom of expression occupies a particularly important place and is essential to a democratic society. Expressing your opinions and beliefs is allowed in all formats, but not in violation of other human rights or freedoms. It is found that restriction to freedom of expression can be lawfully applied if it essential to protect other human rights and freedoms. The state must ensure a lawful implementation and protection of freedom of expression; however, violation of freedom of expression may be punished by civil, administrative or criminal liability.


Litauisch, Englisch


Institutional Repository of Mykolas Romeris University

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