Open Access BASE2019

Сравнительный анализ особенностей создания и функционирования зарубежных филиалов юридических лиц Республики Беларусь в контексте права ЕС и ЕАЭС (на примере Королевства Испании и Российской Федерации) ; Comparative analysis of the features of creation and operation of foreign branches of Belarussian legal entities in the context of EU and EEU law (the Kingdom of Spain and the Russian Federation as an example) ; Baltarusijos Respublikos juridinių asmenų užsienio filialų kūrimo ir veikimo požymių lyginamoji analizė ES ir EAEU teisės kontekste (Ispanijos Karalystės ir Rusijos Federacijos pavyzdžiu)



The master's thesis identifies the legal features of the creation and operation of foreign branches as a form of entrepreneurial activity by Belarusian business entities in the markets of the EU and EEU member states using the example of the Kingdom of Spain and the Russian Federation, as well as it identifies ways to improve the legislation of the Republic of Belarus in this area.

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