Open Access BASE2013

Trumpalaikis ir ilgalaikis biudžeto planavimas Lietuvos Respublikoje ; Short-term and long-term budget planning in the Republic of Lithuania


A budget of State (Government budget) in all countries is known as a financial plan of all planed incomes, expenses and revenues approved by the competent institution (in the Republic of Lithuania – by Seimas). It is a plan for saving, borrowing and spending by the State, that is drawned according to the requirements of the Law. The article deals with the problem of realization of principle of long-term (long-range) budget planning in the Republic of Lithuania. The legal definition and the essence of long-term budget planning, the reasons for changing to long-term budget planning is analyzed in the article. Particular attention is given to the question of the reform of budget planning in Lithuania that started in 1998 and signified transition from the model of short-term to the model of long-term budget planning. It' affirmed that the planning of budget of the State for particular period of time is established in Law on budgeting as one of the main principles of the whole budget process. According to the Law on budgeting and other legal acts the draft of the budget of the Republic of Lithuania shall be prepared for the period of three years basing on legislative acts of the Republic, information from state statistical agencies, socio-economic programmes and scientific-technological projections, etc.


Litauisch, Englisch

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