Open Access BASE2004

Lietuvos gydytojų ir rezidentų ketinimų dirbti Europos Sąjungos šalyse tyrimas ; The Survey of Lithuanian physicians and medical residents regarding possible migration to the European Union


The aim of this survey was to evaluate intentions of Lithuanian physicians and medical residents to work in the European Union (EU) and other countries. The survey was performed in 2002 in the framework of the project "Health human resource development and planning in Lithuania", sponsored by Open Society Fund, Lithuania. Using the questionnaire developed by the Ministry of Labor and Solidarity of France, 242 medical residents and 497 physicians were surveyed. Survey results indicated that 60.7% of medical residents and 26.0% of physicians intended to leave for the EU or other countries. The survey also showed that the first-choice countries were United Kingdom, Germany and the Nordic countries. Almost 15.0% of medical residents and 5.0% of physicians planed to leave for the EU on permanent basis. The largest part of those who intended to leave for the EU, planned to go there after accession. It was a definitive decision of 2.5% of medical residents and 3.8% of physicians. The major reasons for leaving were higher salary, better professional possibilities and better quality of life. For medical residents a previous visit abroad for professional reasons increased the risk of working abroad significantly (OR–3.29, 95% CI 1.73–6.27). In the case of physicians, age was the factor that significantly decreased the risk (OR–0.94, 95% CI 0.91–0.96); however having friends abroad increased the risk by more than three times (OR–3.22, 95% CI 1.91–5.42). In order to observe the possible migration to the EU or other countries, the survey should be repeated every three-four years.

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