Open Access BASE2019

Sveikatingumo instruktoriaus profesinis tobulinimas(is) taikant IKT priemones ; Profession Development of Health Instructors using ICT


According to the International Council for the Professional Development of Trainers (ICCE, 2018), there are currently around 9 million in Europe. health instructors, coaches. The need for these specialists, especially in the field of health promotion physical activity, is constantly increasing, therefore it is very important for the countries of the European Union to foresee the most unified results of the work of sports specialists (developed competencies) and accordingly to prepare these specialists according to them, at the same time to ensure better integration of these specialists into the labor market their changing needs. Health instructors must continually adapt to changing market needs, continuously improve their knowledge and skills, engage in innovation in the work of a health instructor, where information and communication learning and development processes, based on continuous renewal, using new and advanced technologies, ensure survival in a competitive environment. . The introduction of modern technological tools increases the innovativeness of the health instructors' development, improves the acquisition of new knowledge, and makes it more attractive to convey the training materials to the clients. With the latest ICT, it is important to understand the importance of technology and learn how to apply it in order to ensure an effective process of improvement and its quality. The importance of using ICT in the health instructor development process is enormous, as the use of different programs can individualize the development process and select the amount of training material and the pace of development according to one's own abilities. The technology-based wellness instructor development process allows you to choose what ensures comfort and individuality (Larison et al. 2012). ICT tools for health instructors allow you to get the most up-to-date information today. Using technology-based enhancement, in many cases, the provision of learning conditions for the ultimate instructive health instructor is ensured, taking into account individual time, pace, location, learning opportunity and the principles of autonomous individualized learning (Abromavičienė et al. 2013). The application of technologies in the work of a health instructor changes the situation of improvement and training and allows the learners themselves to change. Wide perspectives for health instructors are introduced by the introduction and use of the latest ICT in the development process, enabling you to communicate everywhere and always, keep in touch with others, then feel safe and believe that you can achieve better results.


Litauisch, Englisch


Institutional Repository of Mykolas Romeris University

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