Open Access BASE2020

Какие изменения производят спортивные мега-события? Анализ медийных и урбанистических эффектов II Европейских игр в Минске: магистерская работа ; What Changes do Sport Mega-Events Produce?: An Analysis of the Media and Urban Effects of the 2nd European Games in Minsk ; Kokius pasikeitimus iššaukia didieji sporto renginiai? II Europos žaidynių Minske medijinių ir urbanistinių efektų analizė



The object of this master thesis are sporting mega-events. The research subject: comparison of expected and actual impacts (effects, legacy) of the II European Games held in Minsk in 2019. The goal of this study is to analyze the political, socio-economic, urban and media aspects and effects of the II European Games. The main tasks of the thesis are: reviewing the theoretical literature on the mega-events and their impact on politics, symbolic and real economy of cities and states that host these events; overviewing the issues of mega-events legacy evaluation, their 'soft power' and potential for political legitimization; analyzing the specific context of mega-events held in the countries of the former Socialist bloc; analyzing the political and cultural context of Belarus and image management measures undertaken by the country in the last 10-12 years - including during the World Hockey Championship in 2014; analyzing the process of event organization, specific features of PR-campaign and media-representation of the II European Games based on the official documents and state media; analyzing the range of responses to this event by the international and Belarusian independent media, as well as in social media; conducting and analyzing the expert interviews; analyzing of my own experience as a participant of the II European Games Opening Ceremony. This master thesis can be useful for mega-events researchers and organizers, sociologists, urbanists and cultural studies scholars, PR, media & communication professionals, creative industries actors, journalists and the general public.

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