Open Access BASE2013

Vitos Mikuličiūtės daktaro disertacijos "Karinių komandų veiklos efektyvumo veiksniai" (socialiniai mokslai, psichologija 06S) recenzija ; Review of doctoral dissertation "Factors of military teams performance efficacy" by Vita Mikuličiūtė (Social Sciences, Psychology 06S)


The topic and problem of the dissertation is very interesting and important in Lithuanian context. Lithuania has its own military forces only for twenty years, so minor empirical studies concerning military psychology have been conducted. The empirical research provides interdisciplinary insights and implications, useful not only for military contexts but also for organizational psychology in the field of team performance. The author of the dissertation has made the important step towards development of understanding the relationship between team cohesion, trust, perceived self and collective efficacy, stress and performance efficacy.

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