Open Access BASE2004

NATO reagavimo pajėgų ir ES greitojo reagavimo pajėgų veiklos perspektyvos ; NATO response force and EU rapid reaction force: main challenges and opportunities


A need for multi-dimensional effective institutional structure possessing various security instruments, have become obvious already by the end of the Cold war and is manifested itself even stronger at the beginning of the XXI century. Moreover globalization of the security concept makes it clear that security cannot be complete if it is not tackled globally. Aiming to react to changing security environment international security institutions during the last decade are undergoing essential changes, related to their missions, tasks, structures and instruments. Demand for small special forces, which possess the most advanced technologies, modern air force and efficient intelligence capabilities emerged. That stipulated changes in armed forces and armory. NATO and the EU in the beginning of the XXI century have committed themselves for a new mission - to guarantee security and stability in the World. The main purpose of this article is to overview major steps of NATO and the EU transformation aiming to respond to the contemporary security challenges, to present an analysis of possible evolu¬tion of their new instruments NATO Response Force (NRF) and European Rapio Reaction Force (ERRP), to elucidate possible roles and interdependency of NRF and ERRF in the contemporary security architecture, and, finally to contemplate on the possible effects of both forces on international security.

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