Open Access BASE2012

Rytų Lietuvos žemėnaudos pokyčiai Vilniaus miesto įtakos kontekste ; Changes in land use in Eastern Lithuania in context of influence of Vilnius city ; Changes in land use in eastern Lithuania in context of influence of Vilnius city


Land restitution in Eastern Lithuania has been rather slow, only in Vilnius district (which is the closest to Vilnius city) the restitution was exceptionally fast. Almost in all municipalities the percentage of lands returned to their owners was similar (ranging from 97% to 99%), but in Vilnius district municipality such lands comprised only 88%. Land restitution in Vilnius district is complicated, because a direct impact of Vilnius city is felt in this territory. The presence of Vilnius city increases the price of land in the areas closer to the city. There are some political factors involved as well.

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