Open Access BASE2020

Klimato kaitos teisinis reglamentavimas ir praktiniai aspektai ; Legal Regulation and Practical Aspects of Climate Change


This master's thesis analyses the international, European Union and national legal regulations of the climate change. The aim of this work is to find out the practical aspects of legal regulation of climate change in the Lithuanian waste management sector by implementing waste incineration projects. This is done by reviewing legal instruments addressing the climate change, explaining the content of legislation and by analysing and comparing documents. The aim of the study is to reveal the legal regulation and practical aspects of the climate change in the Lithuanian waste management sector. The results of the study revealed that in order to solve the problems of the climate change countries must act unanimously, actively fulfill their commitments, because long negotiations and later untimely goals do not stop climate change and pose a threat to the whole world. In an effort to accomplish its GHG reduction plans, Lithuania has a strategy to have 3 waste incineration plants. However, the environmental impact and the potential increase in GHG emissions from energy recovery from waste was not fully assessed when this measure was included. On the contrary, waste incineration reduces the incentives for using more sustainable, climate-friendly waste management.


Litauisch, Englisch


Institutional Repository of Mykolas Romeris University

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