Open Access BASE2020

Teisinio švietimo pradiniame ugdyme įgyvendinimas: IKT panaudojimo galimybės ; The Implementation of Legal Education in Primary Education: Possibilities of ICT Application


The majority of new state programmes and strategies focus on major goals – a prosperous, democratic state. The guarantee of every democratic, strong and public-spirited state are active, competent, right-and-duty aware citizens. Thus, the organisation of primary education with an integrated legal education is very important. The goal of the thesis: to reveal the possibilities of ICT application while implementing legal education in primary classroom. Objectives: 1. To analyse the situation of legal education in primary education. 2. To discuss the peculiarities of ICT application in primary education. 3. To research the experience of primary teachers in legal education and applying ICT. Methods: the analysis and generalisation of scientific and methodological literature on the master's topic. Semi-structured interview. The analysis and generalisation of the data using a qualitative content analysis method. Main conclusions: ICT is very important in primary education. A primary teacher should mainly focus on the opportunities that ICT provides. Educational software enables the application of various methods, lead to the individualisation and differentiation of the teaching process and allows the important and complicated material to be presented in an easier and more attractive way. The analysis of the interview of the primary teachers revealed that the teachers are in favour of legal education at school. However, the curriculum does not contain law as a separate subject. As the teachers noted, legal education in primary classroom is implemented by integrating it with other subjects: moral education, languages, science, physical education. It is also combined with extra-curricular activities such as self-government, different clubs, class meetings. After the analysis of legal literature accessibility in primary classroom, it is clear that the textbooks do not contain enough legal material, thus, teachers have to find additional material themselves and adapt it to children's age, goals and objectives of the lesson.


Litauisch, Englisch


Institutional Repository of Mykolas Romeris University

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