Open Access BASE2015

Elektroninės valdžios integravimas ir jo kokybiniai sprendimai visuomenei ; The integration of e-government services into society on integration and quality dimensions


Master thesis on electronic government administration topic is of interest for Lithuania and other less advanced countries in the context of e-government because due to the rapid development and growth of information technologies it is inevitable that habits and needs of society are changing as well. As Lithuania is gradually becoming a knowledge society, the changes in administration of governing bodies are also very important. Although government is limited by its financial sources, the development in quantity levels will promote with bigger, even exponential, expences on investment due to the adopting of qualitative criteria. This makes it very important to adopt qualitative factors on time. This topic is analized seldomly in the context of Lithuania. Refering to the experience of other countries that lead in the quality e-government services, it is possible for Lithuania to quickly achieve benefits for its own needs such as involving citizens into e-government and e-democracy processes, efective enactment and relevant decrease in costs.


Litauisch, Englisch


Institutional Repository of Mykolas Romeris University

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