Open Access BASE2015

Kapitalizmo Lietuvoje tipologinė analizė institucinės kaitos diskurso aspektu ; Typological Analysis of Capitalism in Lithuania in Terms of a Discourse on Institutional Change


The dissertation studies conditions for institutional change in political economy of Lithuania. Five institutional spheres covering industrial relations, vocational training and education, corporate governance, inter-company relations and relations inside companies were analysed. The dissertation assumes that the institutional arrangement of the political economy of Lithuania is not stable and its change will be based on three possible scenarios. According to the first and second scenarios, the political economy of Lithuania, as postulated in the varieties of capitalism approach, will get closer to the one of the ideal types thus acquiring more and more institutional characteristics typical of a pure liberal market economy or coordinated market economy. According to the third scenario the political economy of Lithuania will remain mixed and complementary institutions characteristic of ideal types will not form. To study these scenarios methodological approach based on discourse was applied. According to it discourse produced by actors of political economy should be considered as a causal factor and an indicator of institutional change, though conditions for the change articulated in the discourse are shaped by existing institutional complementarity and path dependance. An empirical qualitative research of discourse was implemented. The results show that a "discrepancy" between priorities for the change articulated in discourse and opportunities for implementing them in the existing institutional reality are the characteristic features of the conditions for institutional change in political economy of Lithuania.


Litauisch, Englisch


Institutional Repository of Vytautas Magnus University

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