Open Access BASE2021

Lietuvos kelionių organizatorių restruktūrizacijos prielaidos ir principai Covid-19 sukeltos krizės kontekste ; Causes and principles of the restructuring of tour operators in lithuania in the context of Covid-19


The relevance of the topic is that the Covid-19 pandemic, which was announced by the WHO on 30 March 2020, has caused blockages in all economic sectors, but tourism is the worst affected. It is difficult to estimate the real impact of the pandemic on international tourism. According to UNWTO, prior to the pandemic, the tourism sector generated 10% of global GDP, and accounted for one in ten jobs worldwide. Quarantine measures, flight cancellations, bans and border closures are expected to significantly reduce tourism for several years ahead. Every country in the world has been affected by the pandemic, including Lithuania. This article presents the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on the tourism sector in Lithuania, particularly on tour operators and travel agencies. Rapid changes during the pandemic obliged tour operators and travel agencies to look for new ways and better solutions to create value for their customers and to remain competitive in the market. The aim of this article is to look at the prospects for tour operators in the outgoing tourism market in Lithuania through an analysis of six tour operators, and to suggest possibilities for its further successful development. The research methodology consists of an analysis of scientific literature, and documentary and statistical data, and also qualitative research into six tour operators in Lithuania and the incorporation of the results. The results underline the fact that the Covid-19 pandemic has affected the tourism sector segment more than 80%. Furthermore, business development theory and its strategy, strategic possibilities and competitiveness are analysed, and a restructuring concept is suggested. The results of the survey are presented accordingly in three categories. At the end of this thesis, conclusions and suggestions for business development strategies for tour operators are introduced. Goal: to look at the prospects of tour operators in the outgoing tourism market in Lithuania through an analysis of six tour operators in Lithuania, and to suggest a restructuring model for its further development. Methodology: the research methodology consists of statistical data regarding the effects of the coronavirus pandemic on the tourism sector, an analysis, and also qualitative research into the six largest tour operators in Lithuania and the incorporation of the results acheived. Conclusions: tourism is a fast-changing industry, which depends on many external and internal factors. These are economic, political and social factors, although highly competitive market and rapid changes during the pandemic have obliged tour operators to look for new ways and better solutions to create value for their customers and to remain competitive in the market. The demands of the present pandemic situation work like an interrogation, a re-exploration and a re-envisioning of the future of tour operators, and the segregation of what has to change and what has to remain constant. Despite the crippling effects of Covid-19, new forms of adaptiveness are emerging that challenge the prevailing tour operators' competitive ethic. While a transactional economic revival of the companies has to remain the top priority, progress will take place so long as tourism becomes more transformational.

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