Open Access BASE2012

UAB "Kėdbusas" pajamų ir sąnaudų apskaita ir analizė ; An income and expense accounting and analysis of the UAB "Kėdbusas"


A company – profit-making economics subject. The main objective of any company is to get profit from its activity. Profit is the main indicator of company work, which is influenced by incomes and expenses. Accordingly, to achieve a good result the company needs to increase its incomes and to reduce expenses as much as it can. Better results of company work are influenced by expense reducing, which is very relevant not only to directors but also to consumers. The subject of the Master's Work in Finance Management is actual, because financial situation of selected joint-stock company (JSC) "Kėdbusas" is typical like in majority of such companies in Lithuania, so that's why authoress chose to analyse company income and expense in order to find out reasons of loss-making and to put forward a proposal about possible solutions of the problem. The problem of research. What is an influence of income and expense and their accounting for the company results. The subject of research. JSC "Kėdbusas" income and expensediture, acounting and the influence for company results. The aim of research. To estimate the influence of income and expense for company results and to put forward a proposal for income and expenditure optimization. The tasks of research: 1. To do analysis of income and expense conception interpretation. 2. To offer the theory of income and expenditure composition, accounting and their recognition. 3. To analyse the accounting policy of company, its income and expenditure recognition. 4. To do JSC "Kėdbusas" income and expenditure SWOT analysis using interview and documentation analysis. 5. To make horizontal, vertical (structure) and comparative analysis of company income and expenditure. 6. To estimate the influence of income and expenditure for company results. Hypothesis of research. The optimization of income and expense bearing would let work more profitably. Methods of research. Nonfiction problem-oriented analysis, analysis of documents of law, descriptive method, statistic data analysis and periphrastic method, documents analysis method, income and expenditure SWOT analysis, mathematical analysis method. There are proposed both national and foreign organic literary academic review in this study. The authoress of the study, with reference to documentation analysis and interview, gives JSC "Kėdbusas" income and expense SWOT analysis that reveals company strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Also with made horizontal, vertical (structure) and comparative analysis of company income and expense, the authoress tries to perceive the optimization opportunities of income and expense. Analyses that are done in this paper proves that the company financial situation is tricky, past three years wastes are rising. Financial analysis showed up that the big influence for company results has income reduction caused of increased value-added tax (VAT), increased fuel expenditure caused of continually increasing fuel costs, huge expenditure of maintenance and rather huge expenditure of common and administrative works. In order to improve financial results the company needs to increase income and reduce expense. That's why company must create marketing plan in order to coherently use all market means: improve price policy, service publicity, realize market novelties, increase company activity and enterprise. Also the company needs to make long-term strategic plan that would help to plan financial and labouring resources coherently, to arrange investment and other projects therein EU table-money. The structure of the study: introduction, three chapters in which are given company income and expense academic analysis, JSC "Kėdbusas" research methodology of income and expense, JSC "Kėdbusas" income and expense analysis,,conclusion and suggestions, the list of literature and additions.


Litauisch, Englisch


Institutional Repository of Mykolas Romeris University

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