Open Access BASE2013

Saugomų teritorijų ir miškų ūkio valdymo suderinamumo analizė trijų nacionalinių parkų pavyzdžiu ; Harmonizing the governance of the protected areas and forestry. The case study of three national parks in Lithuania


This MA thesis is the analysis and evaluation of the governmental synergy between the protected areas and the forestry in the management of the national parks. The main problems and the possible solutions are discussed. The first section of the thesis is the theoretical analysis of legal and administrational synergy in the protected forest areas and forestry in Lithuania and abroad, the analysis of past and current administrative models and their practice is made. The second section includes the analysis of the IUCN-WCPA protected areas management effectiveness tracking tool that is applied in Lithuania for the first time. The third section is the discussion of the arising environmental threats to the forests in the national parks of Dzukija, Kursiu nerija, and Trakai historical national park, the effectiveness of the management is provided in percentage as well as the week and strong key points are discussed. The analysis of the Lithuanian protected areas and forestry is made based on SSGG theory, suggestions made for solving the issues of the protected areas and forestry are based on the stable forestry principles.


Litauisch, Englisch


Institutional Repository of Mykolas Romeris University

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