Open Access BASE2007

Baudžiamoji atsakomybė už plėšimą pagal Lietuvos Respublikos ir užsienio šalių baudžiamuosius įstatymus ; Criminal Responsibility for Robbery According to the Lithuanian and Foreign Countries Criminal Legislation


Criminal responsibility for robbery according to the Lithuanian and foreign countries criminal legislation SUMMARY Irrespective of strict legal protection, the greatest part of all criminal acts are crimes against ownership. Robbery is considered the most dangerous of all crimes against ownership. The due application of criminal laws, correct qualification and just imposition of penalties for these criminal acts were, and still is, one of the major practical problems. In this thesis, aspects of criminal responsibility for robbery according to the criminal laws of Lithuania are analyzed, and they are compared with criminal responsibility as consolidated in the laws of certain foreign countries. To achieve this, the concept and the legal nature of robbery are analyzed, as well as the development of the respective legal regulation in the criminal laws of Lithuania, the subject matter of such crimes, the objective and subjective features of such crimes, and also the peculiarities of their subject. It is attempted to reveal the theoretical side of robbery in Lithuania and abroad, and to pay attention to certain practical problems of qualification of such crimes. When property is occupied by means of robbery, violence is done, and other negative consequences take place, therefore, in the thesis, features qualifying robbery and essential aspects that distinguish robbery from other crimes against ownership are discussed, as well as brief discussion of penalties for these dangerous crimes is presented. Besides corpus delicti of this crime as consolidated in the Criminal Code of the Republic of Lithuania, features of the respective crimes, as described in the criminal laws of other countries, are also discussed. In writing the thesis, Lithuanian and foreign criminal legislation has been employed, as well as works of experts in the field of criminal law, other legal literature (articles). Resolutions and official interpretations of the Senate of the Supreme Court and judicial practice (when deciding criminal cases) in the courts of Lithuania also was used.


Litauisch, Englisch


Institutional Repository of Vilnius University

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