Open Access BASE2011

Šeimos politikos formavimas Lietuvoje ; Family policy formation in Lithuania


This doctoral thesis investigates the question: what are the challenges of family policy formation in Lithuania? The aim of the research is the theoretical and empirical evaluation of the compliance of family policy with family changes in Lithuania by identifying the problems of family policy formation and ways for their resolution. The content of family policy in Lithuania is analysed in the context of the state-family relationship in the Lithuanian Constitution, conceptual family policy principles defining the object of family policy, objectives and operational trends and integration of the EU operational trends in the national family policy, as well as the system of family policy measures developing possibilities to reconcile work and family life in comparison with system of measures of other European states. The dissertation also presents the analysis of the outcomes of the quantitative research "Attitude to family" by revealing the socio-cultural context of family policy formation, as well as the outcomes of the experts' attitude toward the problems of family policy formation and the possibilities for the development of family policy. Finally the dissertation presents the model of a systematic approach towards family policy formation.


Litauisch, Englisch


Institutional Repository of Mykolas Romeris University

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